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If I think a website is being run by people that want to harass me, I would just not go on that website.
You ever see that documentary, Tickled, about an idle rich mentally unstable person who created this scheme to get poor college students to be in these not-explicitly-sexual-but-clearly-fetish videos tickling each other, and then used those videos for decades as part of harassment campaigns against them-- not for any specific purpose, I don’t think he was even trying to get money out of them or anything, but just to fuck with them?
I mean, Enver is harmless and seems to be a bit, but just generally whenever I see these people who have the time to dedicate to trolling online like this, I think of that guy from Tickled. Get a hobby if you’re that bored.
Iwillnotbesilenced sounds like the Gab handle of someone who was banned from Twitter for posting antisemitic memes.
Looks like she was silenced :stalin-joking:
Sometimes I’m glad that I’m not here enough to know anything about the drama. Personally I’m just here to rant about capitalism and post Kelly :sicko-yes: heh heh heh