Background: we just went into a six-day “circuit breaker” lockdown to slow the spread of what was thought to be a super-transmissible strain of COVID-19.
A big point of contact has been identified as a pizza shop, where a new positive case went in for a pizza and contracted COVID. Turns out they lied to contact tracers and the truth was they actually worked there, which has dismantled the “super-transmissible from surfaces therefore lockdown time” theory. Medihotel workers aren’t being paid enough so in a few cases are taking supplementary jobs, which combined with non-mandatory testing has caused a breach. Insecure labour and a casualised workforce strike again!
The Murdoch paper (there’s only one state-level newspaper in South Australia) fired the spin machine up super quick and what luck, it was a welcome distraction from the whole “SAS have a major war crime problem” thing. This photo being labelled as “hopeful” gives me a deep stomach anger.
lmao haha “bring hope” in such big letters next to “whoops, our soldiers committed war crimes”