The touchpad is just “big select”.
I’m not sure who in the name of all fuck decided that controllers should have a dedicated Tweeting button, but I suspect this gen will be the last of that.
Well, it’s called a Share button I think, but I can’t find any way to actually share screenshots other than Twitter.
So I don’t use it.
I’m the same with Nintendos new controllers.
➕ and ➖ are Start and Select to me.
Had this argument with someone a couple days ago. Said my start button was sticking and they gave me shit for it.
I am not a violent man. I do my best to be as kind and caring as possible. I wanted to drown him.
Unpopular Opinion: The Playstation Controllers dont have an X button. Everyone should be calling it cross and would save so much confusion. Like there is a triangle, a circle, a square and another geometric shape. Hate having to specify when playing couch coop with friends if they have to press the xbox x or the playstation x. I know with nintendo people it gets even worse.
I hate that Xbox stole the buttons from Nintendo and then swapped them over just to fuck with me more.
Between Sony, MS, Nintendo and Gamecube Nintendo, the X button can be in four different places.
They didn’t steal it from Nintendo. It was a carryover from their collaboration with Sega on the Dreamcast. [link] (
Well, SNES had YXBA first I guess. But I forgot that Sega also evolved from 12 to ABC to XYZABC, back to XYAB.
It’s weird watching these controller layouts come in and change over time, and then Sony just go “no, like this” and suddenly that’s the standard. DualShock really was a great design and a massive improvement for anyone with adult sized hands.
That’s not even an opinion, it’s fact. PlayStation calls it the cross button. Watch Dogs Legion has an accessibility option to read things out that’s permanently turned on for the opening menu. It says “Press the cross button”. Various manuals and in game text say cross too.
That being said I will be rotting in hell before I ever call it the cross button.
A is the only button