Not much to say here to add more context. I have been suspicious about the grown-ass men with backpacks stopping off next door, for only a few minutes, multiple times a day.

Today one of them busted into their yard at a full sprint, with a taped up bag of what I can charitably describe as, “powdered sugar.”

My big problem is: I don’t want to call Angry Men With Guns to my home.

They’ve got a lovely track record of shooting dogs and crybullying us about how sad it made them. To put it in perspective, they tried putting up NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH COPS signs, and they got vandalized. The signs are 5m up in the air—somebody needed to set up a ladder to make that happen!

Honestly: what do I do here? Cops aren’t an option and I don’t want to be dead.

17 points

Today one of them busted into their yard at a full sprint, with a taped up bag of what I can charitably describe as, “powdered sugar.”

That’s a sloppy af game to be running lmao
If they’re running a clean game and selling fent as fent, yeah sure leave them be. If they’re dropping bags in the front yard though, jfc


I don’t know how else to describe it. It looked like some dumb bullshit from an 80’s film where Mel Gibson gets to shoot a bunch of minorities.

15 points

if they keep shitting where they sleep like that the cops will show up in no time tbh

like if you’re not misrepresenting your product, you vet your clientele, and you don’t drop bags in the street, you’re probably alright. Any deviation from that is cause for concern

17 points

What negative consequences would follow from minding your own business?

13 points

Not wanting people who are far more likely to rob or harm you traveling to your next door constantly is a relatively common wish. I think it probably is OP’s business

7 points

it’s kind of a self selecting process, if they’re that sloppy I’d wager yeah there’s reason to be concerned in the interim, but typically you don’t shit where you sleep if you don’t want to get got

2 points

They’re not going to do that because that would be stupid.

3 points

Are drug dealers generally known for always making logical choices

10 points

Dealers who sell drugs like this are legit predators. They target very vulnerable people.

3 points

Also fentanyl is one of the most harmful drugs you can take. Heroin will destroy your life too, but the risk of dying is much smaller, since fentanyl is 50-100x more potent. People that take this stuff are being abused by the dealers, they are profiting from the misery, since almost every drug addict has some kind of mental health problem (not to stigmatise them, but I think many have depression etc and need help).

16 points

Unfortunately there isn’t really much you can or should do. In a situation like this you want to make sure you and yours stay safe, so just mind your own business, pretend you know nothing and saw nothing, don’t get in their way and if you get wind that the cops are about to bust them make sure you’re not home, cause cops are likelier to shoot bystanders and neighbors than they are actual criminals. Though depending on where you live it may even be the case that the cops just don’t give enough of a shit about low level operations like this to even bother. Sorry if this is not very helpful, it sucks that you are in this situation.

9 points

Sounds like you’re in Canada based on spelling but also cops have guns (rules out Australia and UK).

Good ol America Jr. We’ve exported our fascist police state north it seems.

I don’t really have any advice because it’s a shit sandwich. If you obviously involve yourself (and I would absolutely NEVER trust any police to keep your cooperation or reporting secret) the logical outcome is those neighbors wanting to harm you. Even if they end up in prison or forced to flee somewhere, some people are fucking crazy, and (not victim blaming or whatever just getting their head) in their shoes, in that moment, I’d also want to hurt whoever got me put in prison- even if clearly I was dealing not only illegal but actually just bad shit.

It’s not like they’re selling shrooms, weed, LSD or whatever. Dealing in opioids, meth, and fent laced variants is actually socially harmful shit that people shouldn’t be doing. Yes I understand socioeconomic reasons, I also fully believe in decriminalizing and treating addictions, but that doesn’t really excuse dealers of hard shit.

I think reporting to police is basically ruled out just for personal reasons. They might involve you even if you ask specifically not to be involved. If you try to anonymous tip the situation they might still find out and involve you. I would personally avoid the cops basically until/unless they kill somebody (ie overdose at the place).

I guess there’s like the ol’ neighborly think of talking to them… lol. “Hey neighbor! Couldn’t help but notice all the fent you’ve been handling. Could you stop that? You’re inviting bad people and other bad people like cops to come around!” I don’t really recommend that unless you actually know them on any real level for years and they seem like reasonable people doing this out of pure desperation. Otherwise I wouldn’t touch that.

I think you’re just fucked, man. Gotta wait it out until cops bust them, which may likely be never since cops or incompetent. Or it might be quickly since if YOUVE noticed this shit surely others have too.

That’s the only other possible bridge here. Check with other neighbors. I’d avoid being aggro like “this dude is dealing in fent!” but just test the waters, ask if they’ve seen any odd activity around the neighborhood, noticed any quick handoffs and such. Avoid specifics but just ask leading questions towards seeing if they fill in the blank with the neighbor in question. If you can get a couple people who know about too you can definitely try some sort of collective “intervention” situation. Although, knowing most people, they’ll simply only want to involve the police. I mean ideally the best outcome here, imo, is the neighbor simply stops doing this, right? No cops or violent force required. They see reason and stop. Maybe their neighbors telling them to please stop works, maybe not. I guess in that situation if the other neighbors jump the gun and call the cops at least your hands are clean of whatever comes of it? Plus they’ll blame that neighbor and not you. You can even talk to the dude if he shows back up and have fake camaraderie lol. Like “yeah, man. Can’t believe Joe down the street snitched like that. I ain’t a snitch. I told the cops I didn’t see shit!” (This is weasel behavior, but hey, at least you (probably) won’t die)

9 points

I would definitely make sure you have sufficient locks on your door and don’t leave stuff outside. I would definitely keep things like that in mind


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