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The trick is to not get caught up in the hype for it
If it’s good, cool
If it’s shit, oh well, not like i paid for it
this is true of all games
in general AAA games should always be acknowledged for being created under excruciating corporate conditions outside the rare exception
on a related note I will take this moment to say please support indie game devs - not “indie devs” who actually have enormous corporate backing, but actual indie devs who don’t have a studio attached to their product
I don’t pirate indie games as a general rule, barring there not being a demo and being unsure whether it will run on my system, but i buy a copy afterwards if it works
Or in the case of stardew valley, end up with three copies because it’s so good
I thought you meant the genre.
The genre has been stagnant for decades, and in an era where the most prolific cyberpunk medium isn’t in literature, films, or video games, but tumblr and insta aesthetic accounts, there’s very little hope of it transforming on a mass scale unless artists are willing to discard all the bladerunner akira neon stuff, understand the principles that made it relevant for its time, and make worlds grounded in the cyberpunk that “is now,” not some 1980s retrofuture dream.
Ye best be believing in shlocky hypercapitalist cyberpunk literature, yer in one
I’ve yet to see melee combat look good and believable in first person
The old Riddick games did it well IMO. Anything more advanced than that and you get into Chivalry/Kingdom Come territory which is too complicated for most casual player to learn.
I don’t understand the hype for Keanu Reeves being in the game. That being revealed set off alarm bells for me, I thought we had gone beyond celebrity cameos as a selling point by now.
And it is CD project, they’re physically incapable of not spouting shit.
The Keanu cameo gives me Patrick Stewart in Oblivion or Liam Neeson in FO3 vibes. B-list names that are pretty universally popular among nerds. They end up not giving them any discernable character and they are just kind of there momentarily.
When it comes to Kojima he has all his actor buddies doing weird shit which makes it somewhat entertaining.
I’ve yet to see melee combat look good and believable in first person
You’ve yet to play Kingdom Come: Deliverance
If you want excellent first person melee combat definitely give Mordhau a try. Mount and Blade Bannerlord is also solid, however I wouldn’t recommend picking it up now while it’s still in beta. Also hopefully Chivalry 2 turns out good.
I think melee combat in general basically has 3 genres to be good: grounded medieval style combat like above, combo multiplier games like Batman Arkham, or arcade style fighting games. All these AAA games which try to be everything end up falling through the cracks of meh. With some exceptions though; I think Overwatch has great uses of melee.
Wowcoolfuture.jpg I think it’s gonna be all cyberpunk aesthetic with barely any substance. Even after all the trailers, it feels like it’s just gonna be an action rpg shooter with cyber powers. :dem: