URSAL (União das Republiquetas Socialistas da América Latina) is a right-wing conspiracy theory that accuses the left of wanting to create a socialist state stretching from Patagonia to the Rio Grande.
I mean, I want the whole of Latin America to become a country. Maybe even the whole world
United States of America but epic
That’s the plan uwu
thinking we’ll stop at the Rio Grande
but seriously, what does the far-right have against big, federated countries that aren’t the US?
Be aware that the joke wouldn’t make sense to the other countries because urso doesn’t mean bear in Spanish
But I get it cuz latin Ursus
The logo should be changed for a latin american bear, like the espectacles-bear (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectacled_bear)
spectacles-bear with this image i think