I thought it was an interesting read.
During this third wave, I’ve been really struggling with blaming individuals for wanting to go against advice. Why would anyone follow the rules if it’s making their lives considerably worse?
This paragraph particularly I thought was good:
“An abstinence-only message might mean people defy you, spend more time indoors (to avoid being judged), and end up spreading the virus far more than if you gave them safer options. In an effort to aim for perfect, we end up doing a worse job than had we lowered our ambition from the outset. Just as with sex education, abstinence-only approaches may even backfire. Ideas and strategies to lower the risk is a better path forward.”
Like drugs and sex, telling people not to do something isn’t going to work.
Why would anyone follow the rules if it’s making their lives considerably worse?
Giving a shit about other people?
Fuck off with this stupid shit. There’s a big fucking difference between “don’t have sex before marriage because it’s a sin” and “don’t go to big gatherings in a pandemic that has already killed hundreds of thousands of mostly poor people, especially while hospitals are over capacity”
Lmao not gonna lie, at first I thought this article was about not having sex when you go back home for thanksgiving . Let me echo everyone else though: Just fucking suck it up losers. We’re all in the same fucking boat, stay inside, allow it to pass quicker, and then visit your mom without having a chance to kill her.