Everyone else always seem to have a lot of cool stuff on their machine and browser that I don’t, so please share your cool stuff with me!
ublock origin, privacy badger, res
Ublock origin
Best adblocker by a huge margin. Requires no setup and just works really well.
Kind of a more advanced version of ublock origin. Requires quite a bit more manual effort to get working nicely.
This one packages a lot of common libraries and makes your browser locally grab them instead of connecting to google or cloudflares servers. It improves performance and security and requires no setup.
Makes sites connect with https which encrypts your traffic to the site if any site supports it, but doesn’t automatically redirect you. If you’re currently using httpseverywhere you should switch because httpseverywhere just uses a massive whitelist which is silly and basically completely ineffective. SmartHTTPS works by always requesting the https version of any sites you connect to and falling back to http if it doesn’t support it.
This one lets you save some or all of your currently open list of tabs to a plain text file. Later you can load and restore those tabs from that file and of course you can just open and edit the file in any text editor. You can send that file to someone or do whatever you want with it. If you use youtube-dl you can even pass a file full of youtube/soundcloud/whatever links to download all those videos. I wrote this extension because I couldn’t find anything that did this. Literally all the other existing extensions to save a list of tabs would either upload it to a weird website or require an account or generally do weird stuff. Source code is here if any of your are interested.
I passionately hate the new tab firefox provides. This extension lets you set your newtab to whatever you want. Like a search engine or something.
agree with all these but my favorite is actually dark reader makes every page dark mode
cracks knuckles
container tabs
cookie autodeleter
cookie manager
link cleaner
new xkit (inb4 >using tumblr in 2020)
privacy possum
reddit masstagger
switch container
user agent switcher
vtt enhancement suite
zoom page we (setting minimum font sizes breaks some pages but looks so good most of the time)
tab discard
canvas capture
extension source viewer
form history control
print edit
resurrect pages
search by image
web archives
Probably the most suggested ones and one hidden gem: uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, HTTPS Everywhere, and AdNauseum
is it useful using both AdNauseum and uBlock Origin at the same time?
To be honest with you, I did my research on their simultaneous functionality a while ago so I forgot the answer to your question. But I see it as a final boss any ads have to face if they make it past uBlock. The way it works is actually pretty cool. Whatever ads it does get a hold of, it fucks with them hard.