They 100%, passionately believe that this election is being stolen in front of their eyes. Trump, eh, maybe he actually believes it or maybe he’s just posturing because he doesn’t want to look like America’s biggest loser, but he’s doing everything he can to stoke the fire.
Are they going to turn out to be paper tigers and just whine to each other on td dot win? Or do you think that America is going to see some violence come from this? If so, will it be at all organised or will it be a random series of “lone wolf” attacks?
Is Donnie going to declare a “shadow government” because he “truly won the fraudulent election”?
Despite their rhetoric, most Boomer groypers are too invested into the existing system and have too much of a subconscious fear of death to mount any sort of organized rebellion.
We may see a wave of violence from a Biden inauguration, but it’ll be done overwhelmingly by young people ~18-30 (think Kyle Rittenhouse, Timothy McVeigh, or Jared Lee Loughner types) for the same reasons that most political violence is committed by young people. I think a lot of people are underestimating the power of the self preservation instincts, and aversion to sacrifice, which people get in their 30s.
No way any sort of organized rebellion will be launched. I’m guessing most Trump people will move on to their own form of Russiagate after a few weeks, where some Conservative hero (Q/JFK JR) will be the Mueller stand in, who is always mere moments away from sending Biden to prison. They’ll faithfully tune in to Fox News and get their political satisfaction from obsessively following the story.
I doubt Biden will be impeached only because that would make Harris the incumbent in 2024. She’ll run anyway (I’m assuming Biden won’t stand for re-election), but it’d work better for Republicans if she wasn’t running as a sitting president.
I guess if Republicans have the Senate and House in 2022 they might impeach both so we’ll get a Republican in the White House, but that would be a(nother) unprecedented step away from the veneer of democracy, and their appetite for that depends on where the party goes in the wake of Trump.
Biden not running again scares the piss out of me. 2020 pretty much proved that the sheer misogyny in America was kept Hillary out of the white house. Kamala would be an even sadder loss. I see her losing badly against Cruz or Rubio, and a much closer loss against a neoconfederate like Tom Cotton. She was in the low single digits in the primary before she dropped out.
Could happen, but if after the inauguration Republicans promise to impeach Biden upon winning the midterms, it’d only make political violence less likely.
Yea, and one positive aspect of Trump being gone is there will be no obvious leadership anymore for the right wing. Some will still read his tweets. Some will still be on fox news. Surely there will be some rising star Republicans as well trying to get a foothold for 2024.
Its going to be a confusing time to be a republican.
I think a lot of people are underestimating the power of the self preservation instincts, and aversion to sacrifice, which people get in their 30s.
Modern people have been trained to not rock the boat even when they’re teenagers/20 somethings. Rittenhouse is an interesting case because he was literally just looking to cause trouble as opposed to having a psychotic meltdown or masterminding some scheme like the other two. If he’s truly the equivalent, then we’ve been more or less neutered as a society and anyone posting about “violence” just needs to take a Xanax and cool off.
There might be some more lone wolf stuff though tbh I would have thought we would have seen the some sort of attack by now and there’s been no Q-anon shootings so they might even end up more comfortable and lazy than I thought. I always knew these people were comfy petty bourgeoisie invested in the stable order or so old, beaten, and incoherent that they couldn’t stage a coup if they actually cared. They aren’t to be feared.
will it be at all organised
If there was gonna be mass violence from Trump voters it would have been after Biden was announced as the winner, but because the results were dripfed the wind was taken out of their sails. There might be lone wolf attacks and some petty organised marches, but it’ll dwindle out quickly.