edit: this is not my pic! its a high school in georgia, sorry for the confusion.
This is why the USA will have 11 000 COVID 19 deaths a week for the foreseeable future
What’s even more fucked is that case data is now being censored by the white house. Check today in Florida for example, nearly 100 more deaths than last week Tuesday but case count is down by thousands compared to last week Tuesday. You can’t trust the government anymore, you have to figure out this shit for yourself.
They closed down testing sites for the weekend and til now bc of the hurricane. But yeah the White House is definitely telling states to mess with t he data. There has been no change in lifestyle or policy to make some of these southern states have a decrease in cases.
The MOOC model has been pushed for a while, as a means of dramatically scaling up class size and eliminating teachers as a workforce.
Now we’re headed for a GDP crash and massive state-by-state financial shortfalls. The biggest budget item in most states is education.
I don’t even know if they’re going to try and privatize. They might simply gut education as an institution. Toss us straight into a New Dark Age, inside a generation.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Hope the Accelerationists are right.
How is the teachers union not striking right now
A lot of teachers will tell you just how lib and useless many of their unions are, and they’re probably one the most powerful types of union left here.
Why do they always have to have such brainrot? Like they most likely don’t even get anything out of it, it does make no sense. :grumpy-lizard:
Many teachers’ unions are legally barred from striking, so they could be disbanded if they try to strike. But some unions are attempting to sue the state to keep schools closed.
This is ridiculous, and whatever superintendent forced this schools to reopen should be held criminally liable.
Yeah it really pisses me off that “getting back to normal” is so important. This is a crisis, we should have been handling as such, but apparently that’s not even in the realm of possibility.
I wonder if “normal” will ever even be possible in the US again. Even when/if a vaccine comes out will enough people get it to make it useful? Or will the US be doomed to perpetually have flare ups of COVID for the rest of time?
Oh holy fucking shit WHAT THE FUCK
I mean, just add it to the dress code and send people home if they refuse
But no, of course they won’t do that, why would they, this is hellworld