All fizzy drinks fucking suck and yes that includes beer. Drink vodka from a plastic bottle you weenies
It tastes bad, not a big mystery
My sister has been showing me these Korean videos where they add a syrup to it with ice. We had some cranberry juice so I boiled it down to get rid of the water as much as possible to make a syrup.
Mixing it all together made me feel like a chemist so I was happy. I know I basically made soda but I could control how sweet it was which is good since I probably have diabetes.
What symptoms do you have that make you think you have diabetes? Been kinda thinking the same thing for myself.
I cut back sugar greatly these past years because I wanted to lose weight and it worked I think. Went to a party last year and ate cookies, brownies, and marshmallows.
When I got home I felt like I was dying. Vision was blurry, I was super thirsty, couldn’t think straight, had a high fever, and couldn’t get up. Maybe this isn’t diabetes but I’m inclined to think so because I have a family history of it.
I’d take a raging hangover over that any day. I was lucky it passed and since then I been careful with how much sugar I take. I think the recommended max for men is 36 grams a day and women is 24 grams a day. Soda easily has 42 I think hence the soda I’d make being a good alternative since I can put just a bit of taste into it.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: sparkling water is cool and good