This isn’t just an inevitability. There are people behind this, all to rack up a meaningless score.
Things like this makes me so insanely angry. Kids should be happy and excited at Christmas time, not begging for beds or wheelchairs. Why are we ruled by cold blooded lizards who cannot see this?
We need communism. Communism is the true spirit of Christmas.
you can adopt a letter individually, I’m not sure how a fundraiser would work in that regard, unless we trust a comrade to fulfill letter requests with gifts. However as a chapo outside the US, I would like to kick some money towards this
I don’t want to volunteer admins to do more stuff, but we already trust them with money chipped in for server space or whatever is needed to run this place.
Alternately, a thread where people can post what they individually gave would be a good way to get more people to follow along.
i hate the concept of santa and the whole thing about ‘goodness’
i grew up in a very middle-class area and i remember a kid in my class crying when we were about six because we were talking about the gifts we got and most people got bikes and expensive toys and games consoles and stuff and he got crayons (i think) because his mum couldn’t afford anything else. and he thought it meant santa didn’t love him and he hadn’t been good enough
equal state distribution of christmas presents when
This right here is what lies at the bottom of every means tested form of welfare. Children. Children falling through the cracks. Begging a mythical elf for a warm coat to last them through the winter. I’m gonna go on a walk because otherwise I’m going to keep reading these and eventually I’m going to start rage crying.
the first one it randomly pulled up has me crying
Holy shit I was not prepared for this.
Dear Santa. I want one thing. I been a good girl and I want to ask you if you please get me a new power wheelchair. My wheelchair is very old and it does not want to work. I am very sad. Please Santa bring me a power wheelchair. I don’t want nothing else. If you can bring my service dog some healthy treats.
Thank you Santa.
I love you.
:amerikkka: :amerikkka: :amerikkka: :amerikkka: :amerikkka: :amerikkka: :amerikkka:
the cost of a single military jet could cover every singe medical item these children are wishing for. A single fucking jet.