Your endpoint team isn’t doing a good job.
Windows is just another ad platform, now.
All operating systems are now, except vanilla Linux.
I stress vanilla Linux because Android started this Ad-OS shitshow and Android is Linux with extra steps.
Ok Boomer Stallman.
Seriously though, do you really think being a pedantic jackass like Stallman actually ingratiates anyone to FOSS? Because it doesn’t, just so you know. It’s absolutely annoying eye-rolling shit for regular people. But sure, keep gatekeeping Linux as a place where only people with no fucking social skills get to use it or talk about it.
Stallman and attitudes like his absolutely alienate people. Ignore that at your own peril, if you actually want growth in Linux adoption.
I just wanna say this is irony that it came up on a work machine tho. Like they really trying to get you out of there 🤣
This is why I continue to not have used windows in over 20 years. It just keeps getting worse and worse and worse. 
You’re telling me you don’t want to - checks notes - harness the power of networking?