I am not here to make the case that cats should be kept indoors for the sake of local wildlife – that case has been made over and over and over and over again. Cat owners know these arguments, and if they have not been persuaded by the fact that cats kill more than 6 million native animals in Australia a day they will not be persuaded by me.
There is a fairly tedious assumption that if you love wildlife you must hate cats, and visa versa. And nothing will turn cat people off faster than encountering a person who hates cats.
I understand this. I also hate people who hate cats. So let’s set the birds and the bettongs to one side for the moment, and consider the other, obvious fact: cats should be kept indoors for the sake of cats.
Cat owner and avid environmentalist here: totally agree. I’ve always kept my cats inside for the obvious environmental reasons, but ask any vet and they’ll tell you that indoor cats lead much longer, healthier lives.
We need to start treating dogs and cats the same way - if there’s a cat around without it’s owner and it’s not leashed, it goes to the pound. $250 fee to retrieve your cat to pay for boarding and also donate to the pound that receives them. If people had to pay $250 and drive all the way to the pound to pick up their cat every time they let them out, I can tell you that outdoor cat owners will go one of two ways: they’ll either stop owning cats (big win) or they’ll keep them inside (also big win).
Indoor cats live longer, healthier lives. And they can even be harness-trained to be able to enjoy going outside on walkies!
Cats are one of the most adaptive species on this planet. All of their needs can be met inside. Inside cats in Australia have a better quality of life than a lot of humans do around the world.
Cat owner here too. One of my cats is a pure-breed Maine removed, the other is a domestic mid/long hair. They have never ever been outdoors cats (well, the latter was a stray so I guess she was?) but they’re indoors kitties now. No issues at all, they have no interest to go outside. They are happy and content. I support indoors-only cats, and this is from someone who lives in a shoebox apartment.
👀 phew! thank god it’s another article throwing stones at other species on the planet fucking up the wildlife.
Cats are innocent in so far as it’s not their fault that they are super efficient carnivorous hunters. No native bird or mammal found in suburbia stands a chance against a cat.
It’s their human owners who let them roam who are at fault for the devastation they cause on native wildlife.
Cats messing up the wildlife is at the fault of humans. These articles aren’t telling you we need to get rid of or punish cats, it’s telling humans they need to treat their cats with better understanding. Talking about how cats mess up wildlife isn’t blaming cats, it’s blaming humans for putting them there and letting them fuck up wildlife, especially when all signs point to everyone being happier and healthier if they are kept indoors.