This vaccine is really starting to make me anxious. I’m really not anti-vax. Vaccines are safe and backed by good science. I’ve been given many of them, loved every single one.
But this vaccine is giving me major bad vibes. In no order some of those things are:
- Operation Warp Speed being a DoD military operation.
- The US Government’s history of abusing vaccination programs
- The US Governments ‘level of acceptance death or injury’. We’ve seen it’s acceptable to kill 1/4 million people and not be jailed for it. CDC is corrupt, why not the FDA?
- Economy not Health Focus. Everything has been focused on keeping the economy going, not keeping people healthy.
- Rushed development. Sure some of that is acceptable, but there are reproductive studies and long term things that cannot be rushed without inheriting some risk.
- The cultural environment. Distrust of government. Anti-vax movement etc. Making the vaccine useless due to lack of up take.
- The vaccine makers being for profit companies who have everything to gain to get to market.
I hate that the a large percentage of the population will be injected with a rushed vaccine due to the incompetency of the government. It fucking sucks and I fucking suck that I gotta really question something I thought was basic science.
The Vaccine itself is fine, though I’d prefer the more traditional approaches of ones like Cuba’s Vaccine.
Yes, everyone would prefer more testing, but the main risks are immunological side effects in some small subsets of potential patients. It’s very very unlikely there will be large scale long term health issues.
I’m more afraid about the delivery and rollout of the Vaccine, it’ll be way too slow, it’ll probably be administered by low trained staff rather than Nurses, and I bet you there will be attempts to restrict access to minority and marginalised groups.
These vaccine worries are overblown. It is effectively impossible for a vaccine to pass the various stages of testing and be anywhere close to as bad as actually getting covid, even for someone young & healthy. There’s a small chance of minor side effects, but the more likely ‘bad’ scenario is that some folks get vaccinated, assume it means they’re fine, and then that leads to a bunch of places opening up before everyone is vaccinated and then a load more people get sick.
My concern is that there will be two vaccines: a free one and a paid for one. The free one will be a rushed job with potentially serious, unknown side effects and a lesser efficacy whereas the paid for one will be exorbitantly expensive but will be proven safe and incredibly effective. While a vaccine is helpful, what really help is the longer systemic treatment of the pandemic: two month hard shutdown with freezes on all loans and bills, a cash stimulus for individuals and businesses, contact tracing and free treatment of COVID along with mandatory testing. But of course that wouldn’t happen because you might have to seize some wealth to pay for things and you might have to tell people to stay home with their spouses and children who they secretly hate.
I share your concerns. Anything that is being rushed to market like this, they are doing the bare minimum to get it approved and handed out.
The problem is, what can you do? All we can do is roll the dice and hope nothing bad happens, because we sure as shit can’t keep going along the way we’re going
Ive basically been on total lockdown since March. I work from home and order most things delivery, and only talk to my roommate who does the same.
I’m going to continue being a recluse and I probably won’t get the vaccine
I’ve worked from home for almost a decade before the lockdown and this does not compare at all. I used lunches and breakfast to go out and get my socializing in, and then go back home to recharge.
Really it was the ability to choose to go out or stay in. You might not actually go out but it was always there when you were ready.
Having that choice taken away, and also knowing that all the restaurants and little shops that make up my community and the people who work at them struggling to make ends meet just really makes everything bad
mRNA vaccines have never been tested outside of these 40k person phase iii trials. When you give that shit to a billion people you’re guaranted to find some weirdo stuff like someone’s immune system turning them diabetic or whatever
Plenty of us are young and healthy, and the potential for long-term side effects is much more of a concern with a vaccine (which you will have to take) vs. Covid (which you might get if we do nothing)
Just heard abour mRNA vaccines, very cool, they sound very similar to genetic engineering and proteomics techinques I’ve used. Weird to think how much of future medicine is going to be based on genetic pathways and not “does this post fit in this hole?” enzyme inhibitors that we currently rely on for 90% of medicines
Yeah some people I’m close with have had autoimmune stuff so weird they’ve had papers written about them, in that case pretty much the only thing worth doing is staying home and hoping the Cuban or Chinese vaccines are available in the US at some point :/
I’m also super wary of long-term side effects, especially given that it’s a totally new kind of vaccine altogether (on top of all the other concerns listed)
Odds are that the Cuban, Russian, and Chinese vaccines will never be “approved” by the US, and even if you get them, it won’t count in the eyes of US authorities as being “vaccinated”