Trotskyists are well known for their support of Mao :chairman:
because when youre reading about wizard shenanigans, the prose take a backseat to the magic sparkles.
plus people really love them some magical academy.
I was a weird kid. I never found school settings relatable. I found them boring and mundane.
Harry Potter books are good, satisfying stories for kids just starting to read.
Harry Potter was literally the first book I read by myself, when I was like 8 or 9. They aren’t young adult (except maybe the last few). They’re for children. They may not be original, but to a kid they are extremely engaging. I never said they’re the best, but their enormous popularity is because they know how to push all the right buttons of a kid who’s the same age as the characters and they don’t take themselves too seriously.
I just don’t know why everyone here has to hate the silly children’s fantasy books so fucking much. Obviously JKR is a big sack of shit, but you literally recommended Ender’s Game. And the brand HP has grown into is bloated and terrible, especially the newest movies, but the originally books do what they set out to do well.
While those are good books you’ve listed you have to admit that they are not exactly books for beginners. I started Harry Potter when I was 10, I wasn’t going to be reading the Mistborn trilogy at that age.
Damn. Didn’t expect to see a Belgariad reference on my That was a favorite of mine. I regret to inform you that David Eddings is canceled, however
Definitely points that kids just starting to read are going to pick up on…
I bet you one million dollars Rowling has zero fucking clue what a “Trotskyist” is.
In the UK, it seems like “trotskyist” is used pretty much the same way as “antifa” is here in the US. It’s a nebulous concept of some kind of sinister group of bad people who do bad things, and if anything bad happens, well, what do you know, looks like they were to blame.
Based on what I saw in the Labour leaks, it would seem “trot” is essentially used like “tankie” over there