11 points

Clearly this works for other people, and that is cool! Not for me though :(

My brain: “If it works out” then I won’t have to worry about it, but while there’s a chance it doesn’t I still need to prepare myself for the worst scenario.

4 points

I can relate to this, but how are you actually preparing yourself?

Are you planning your response to the problem, considering how to improve the outcome for next time, learning from any mistakes you or others may have made to end up there?

Or are you just dwelling on the possible negative outcome that hasn’t happened yet, so you can say ‘Told you so’ to yourself or anyone who will listen after the fact?

Like I said, I can relate to this, but I’m slowly trying to turn my pessimism into something productive.

2 points

In my anxious moods, I do sort of prepare myself. I try to think of every possible eventuality, every possible accusation or thought someone may have, every thing I might forget or fumble, and try to imagine what I might do to counteract or resolve it. It’s still often a meaningless task because there are practically infinite possibilities, but in theory there’s a logic and a benefit to it…

That is a cool way to think about it though. I might put more meta-thought into it for the future.


for that to have a chance of helping you have to have some expectation of it being possible in the first place and i don’t understand how false hope is supposed to help.

3 points

if there’s really a zero shot why not plan for adapting to the bad outcome instead of worrying about something you have no control over?

(answer, because you know somewhere that you do have some control and that there is some hope but for one reason or another you refuse to see it.)


bruh fuck off

1 point

predictable answer. enjoy your misery

6 points

What if it works out? Then I’ll have a lot of work to do to keep it working. What if I’m not good enough to keep it working and I turn it into a failure?

2 points

What if you are good enough and you do pull it off?

2 points

I’d say that’s part of the fun of it all! How boring would it be to just always succeed? And how much pressure has to continually grow to never make an error? Nah, I say let’s try things and fuck up…or succeed! And then run with it as far as it goes, fall down, and see if we can run farther next time.

The race may never end, but I still like running it!

2 points

Everything eventually breaks down or dies and there’s nothing anyone can do to prevent that indefinitely. It only ever needs to work long enough to be useful. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good enough.

4 points

Thanks, I really needed to see this right now

3 points
Deleted by creator
2 points

It literally has taken me 20 years to develop this skill. I knew I was stubborn, but damn!




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whole·some meme hōl-səm\mēm
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A meme that conveys support, positivity, compassion, understanding, love, affection, and genuine friendship by re-contextualizing classic meme formats, and using them to display warmth and empathy.

A meme with no snark or sarcasm that displays genuine human emotion and subverts a generally negative meme to be more positive.

Definition of a meme/memetics A way of describing cultural information being shared.

An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non genetic means, especially imitation.

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