We are just very committed to maintaining the profits of private corporations, so not neoliberals!
Votes - where do they come from? The great religions have speculated since the dawn of humanity and quantum physicists spin hypotheses about votes being a kind of string, but, in the end, no one really knows.
Lmao he doesn’t get it, but the words in that order are correct.
Bullshit Obama, universal healthcare is insanely popular and the only reason you didn’t get it through is that you were weak and caved to pressure from the private sector. Ultimately you chose corporatocracy over democracy and you should be ashamed.
lol you had 59 senators binch
To be fair, the President is utterly powerless to sway congressional votes. Votes are simply these things that happen. Attempts to coerce them are as Xerxes whipping the sea. Obama tried, but ultimately he had no principled choice except to allow senators to vote as they will, even if it continued the relentless meat grinder that we call a healthcare system in this country in favor of some wealthy donors. Maybe you call that “neoliberal ideology.”
Anyway, I forgot where I was going. Point is, it’s the Republicans’ fault, and we need your help to defeat them next election cycle!
With the mandate Obama rode in on, if he had wanted to push for single payer and he was obstructed by any Senate Democrat he could have gone into their state and ended their career permanently. But of course, if he had that kind of spine and that kind of agenda, he would have never been allowed to win.
“Last decade I thought you really intended to do something for this country. Now I have given it all up. Henceforward I am swearing eternal vengeance on the financial barons and will do every single thing I can to bring about communism.”
- a Chapo.chat poster to Barack Hussein Obama, December 11, 2020