This is my shower. It has 12 heads and consumes ten thousand gallons of deionized water per minute. It costs four hundred thousand dollars to use this shower… for twelve seconds.
30 gallons per minute flow rate, house plumbing has to be upgraded to an 1 ½" mainline to support it lmfao
Only if the bottom is a turntable so I can spin.
Seems annoying if you’re trying not to get your hair wet. Or imagine if you had to use a shower chair lmao.
The superior shower configuration is just the humble detachable handheld showerhead. Put the water right where you need it.
For the person who always complains that there isn’t enough pressure or coverage in their shower…
too tall, cleanest torso ever. too short, we hardly knew thee, sorry about the water boarding (as mentioned earlier by @PatFussy).