I have depressive tendencies and being a leftist doesn’t make it any better.
As a leftist today you live in a world that is fundamentally unjust but you are one of the few people who actually sees it as injustice and not just the way things are. And everyone from politicians and media are constantly gaslighting you into thinking things are fair and just.
As a leftist you believe in a widely unpopular ideology. Stating your honest, well-argued opinion on political matters is more likely to draw extreme anger or condescending dismissal than anything resembling a serious response.
And the hopes of things ever changing are grim. The bleak reality is that a lot of people holds crypto-fascist beliefs and cheer poverty, police brutality and racial discrimination. — The only “serious” opponents to the chuds are feckless liberals who will fundamentally do nothing to stop the right and who will make a much more concentrated effort fighting the left.
And things are getting worse. Look at how chuddy things were five years ago compared to today. We are accelerating downhill.
Goddammit — I just want to live in a world where I’m not considered a freak and subjected to accuse just for thinking we shouldn’t be assholes to people.
I’m not saying we should stop being leftists. The truth doesn’t become any less true just because believing a lie would be easier. But we should be aware of the isolation and melancholy that goes with being where we are today and work to find methods of supporting each other.