Like the title says. :this-is-fine:
Fash punching others is accepted but if we want to fight back suddenly we have to respect their opinions.
The way the death penalty is currently used is bad, but if it was solely used against fascists/reactionaries/counter revolutionaries I don’t think it would be as bad
Well I believe in restorative justice and I would hope that the death penalty isn’t the go-to, first choice decision for anything. I’m obviously not in charge of a post-revolution justice system, but I think they’re should be some sort of proof required to accuse someone of being a fascist or whatever so it will be harder to just accuse innocent people of things like that. And there’s a big difference between proud boys going out and attacking people vs someone reporting their annoying neighbor for being a fascist. But yeah, no one should be executed without a thorough investigation that finds evidence, and previous attempts at rehabilitation.
You can’t. There will definitely be mistakes in a revolution that is strapped for resources, fighting a civil war, lacks the capacity to imprison and guard the sheer quantity of prisoners, etc etc. The political realities of that situation are that things will definitely not be perfect.
This is an uncomfortable truth but one revolutionaries have to come to terms with. It’s not a desirable outcome but is going to occur during the conditions of those events. You do your best with what you have in what will essentially be a war.
What was even their typical flimsy pretext for this? That they “looked like antifa”? Interracial couple?
Something something hospital something something morgue etc etc