Both traditions have had great thinker and revolutionaries who lived and died side by side. Rather than rehashing century old debates in comments, forums, and Twitter, it might be a better idea to read what they had to say about each other. In general, we need to read more theory that isn’t our “chosen” tradition.
Marxist Literature Anarchist Literature
I saw a thread where someone said they didn’t know this much anarchist theory actually existed. That’s clearly a sign that we need to be better educated. Both the sides are filled with people who lived and died for the sake of freedom. There is no point diminishing these revolutionaries for the sake of internet fights. We need to learn from them all. In fact, if we want to beat Capital, which even they failed to do, we have learn from them and then go further. I think, and I maybe wrong, but I think the only way for that is if we can somehow unite again.
So, read theory, but not just your theory.
:kropotkin-shining: :unity: :lenin-shining:
We should save cancelling and the twitter arguments for after capitalism has been overthrown
Yes and we need to have enough trust and faith in each other that we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past. All the terrible atrocities committed by people of the “left” against each other are, and have to be, a thing of the past. We need to move forward together, and need to do whatever it takes to make that happen.
What if I consider support for AES absolutely necessary for an anticapitalist project to succeed, and an anticommunist leftist thinks that I’m red fash?
Plenty of anarchists literally go join revolutions. Lots in Rojava. And Thomas Sankara is not controversial either. Like, we cannot browbeat anyone into our ideology. I’d suggest go read anarchist critiques (actual revolutionary anarchists who wrote theory, not twitter) about the AES from their time. In fact, there were lots of people, not just anarchists, critical of AES in the past. is Rosa Luxembourg not a comrade?
That’s cool, I should say I absolutely consider anarchists comrades but I was more thinking of people like (twitch debate bro, you know the one).
Historically, the reds get more pushback from the imperialists
I don’t know how true that is, but the point isn’t to argue who had it worse historically, but to get to a better future for all of humanity. I don’t think we can get there by holding onto grudges of people we never knew from the times we weren’t even alive for.
You’re right, it’s time for anarchists to accept Stalin into their hearts
It is time for us to stop arguing over whether Stalin was good or bad and think about how we can move forward while incorporating lessons from all previous leftists.
My stance on Anarchists, as a ML, has always been that I’m happy to ally with them if they aren’t anti-Communist. The vast majority of Anarchists are anti-Communists who will call you a Red Fascist if you uphold literally any Socialist project.