Imma die to a robot. If it ain’t this, it will be some medical algorithm saying I’m not worth the extremely doable treatment ill eventually need when I get dementia or something similar they’ll find the cure for but only for the privileged
Edited for the link -
Absolutely, as soon as my friend and I saw this a looong time ago, we knew for sure it would eventually lead to a natural progression of this. It’s always marketed as for safety or humanitarian BS. Similar to how musk is gonna have rockets deploying weapons around the world soon enough, but he is changing the universe cause, uh, mars.
musk is gonna have rockets deploying weapons around the world
Just popped in to say no he absolutely will not because that concept is the stupidest idea in history and even the US military is not so far gone yet to actually use it. Imagine what would happen if you launch a bunch of missiles that look exactly like ICBMs into a conflict zone across the world. Retaliatory strikes from Russia and China would be in the air well before they reached their destination and people realized they were just delivering crayon rations to Marines.
Counter point, the president can just tweet that it’s actually totally chill and not an ICBM and just small arms and once its on the internet it’s true
There was at least a rumor that the Iranian scientist was killed by an automated gun.
It is your job as a citizen to destroy these any way you can. I can’t wait to see all the ways these can be wrecked.
How the fuck do you even destroy something like this without weapons? This is some Boston Dynamics thing
When I read Fahrenheit 451 as a kid, I thought the robot dog part sounded stupid and impractical. Guess they made it anyway. I wonder if this one has a big euthanasia needle for killing fugitives, or if that’s the part the state found impractical.
lvl 1 enemy in cyberpunk 2077