TL;DR: Im going to start the couch to 5k program posted in the pinned thread. If you wish to join me, or if you would like to support me as an accountability comrade, please post here.
I used to be an athlete; a pretty good one ngl. I am no longer an athlete, to put it lightly. Theres nothing wrong with being overweight or out of shape if youre okay with it, Ill support you to the end. That life just isnt for me though. I need to get back in it and I want to hit it hard. This is an incredibly supportive and tight-knit community when it comes to self-betterment, and I want to take advantage of that.
Starting on Monday, December 21st, I will begin. I know this is a shitty time to start something like this with the cold and the holidays, but whatever. Im done. Im so fucking done and Im ready to get started. You dont have to stay in sync with me, and you can do whatever pace, level, and time that is appropriate for you. You dont even have to run, if you just want to hang out and support me and whoever else might join me. Thats super awesome and I preemptively thank you for your support.
If youre interested, post below. The more people who participate the easier it will be for us to hold each other accountable and stay motivated. Ill probably make a post about once a week detailing my progress and asking about everyone else’s so we can stay updated.
What up. I’m on week 5 at the moment scared for day three lol. But I already add 5 more min at the end.
Theres nothing wrong with being overweight or out of shape if youre okay with it, Ill support you to the end.
Yea there is something wrong with it but only for their health and not their worth and I say that as an obese person.
I also lost already like 20+ lbs simply due to calorie restrictions and water fasting for a week which destroyed my appetite( in a good way, won’t do a week anymore though. I might do 3 days again some time).
How did your first run go?
Nice work getting fitter comrade! Sounds like youre finding some major success. Water fasting has worked wonders for me in the past; just remember to take vitamin and mineral supplements when possible to reduce nutrient deficiency. Even salt water helps!
My first run went pretty well, actually! It was rough but I pulled through and finished strong. I accidentally fucked up the first half and did 90 run / 60 walk, so it was a little more tiring than it normally would be, but it just made the second run feel all that better.
i’m also looking to start C25K, but i’ll start at a later date then you, probably around the 11th of January. good luck comrade!
Not checking in for running because I fucking hate running and it’s cold, but I did something similar this year to help me get over a horrible cycling injury.
It’s way easier than you expect. Pick a loop to and from your house/apartment that’s about 5k/3 miles and pick important milestones along the route (.25/.5/.75) and work up to the full thing.
Even if you’re just jogging to .25 and back, it’s important to remember that you’re actually doing half the distance!
Just remember that at first, it’s super hard, but it gets easy. You can totally do it!
Thanks for the tip! I greatly appreciate it. I hope your recovery is going well, by the way
I’m basically about as good as it’s going to be. While I hate running, I did do like a 10k this year and hated every second of it.
Right now I’m basically waiting for my surgeries to get all the dumb metal out of my knee (2 plates and 18ish screws).
I understand wholeheartedly. Im a swimmer at heart; running is not my strong suit. Its good cardio, though. Still, even if you hated it you still ran a 10k, which is pretty badass, especially considering all that fucking metal in your leg like holy shit. I hope that taking it out goes well.
Hell yeah, solidarity in your running efforts comrade! I’ve heard nothing but good things about couch to 5k, supposed to be a really good program
I’m in training for another event next year that I’m hoping won’t be cancelled again now that we seem to have covid mostly under control here, and hoping to be sensible enough in my training to not make an old injury flare up again (or cause a brand new one)