Discuss what went right and wrong in terms of goals from last week with comrades.
Did you run three times like you set out for?
Did you stretch every night before bed?
Did you miss your alarm Monday and it threw you off the entire week?
Share with us what happened, didn’t happen, or could have happened for support and ask questions for guidance!
So unless something happens between now and the afternoon for me I’ll have gotten all my meaningful lifts in this week.
Missed my caloric goals yesterday, but should hit today-Sunday, so 6 out of 7 days is really good.
Just need to keep up the same stuff for two more weeks 'till I move.
I got up to walking for 30 minutes this week without having to use my rescue inhaler. :)
I’ve made a lot of progress, but I’ve been struggling to sleep due to stress the last week and it’s resulted in me taking 3 days off. Will power is just totally drained at the moment. Been cheating on my diet, not getting the exercise in, it’s tough. Hopefully after I finish this project (next few days, tops) I’ll be able to sleep again. Overall I’m down 12 pounds so far, and almost halfway to my target weight. Proud of that, and definitely committed to making this a temporary slump, not a new normal.
Working hard on my mad calisthenics skillz. For some reason, my pull-up max hasn’t been the same ever since I had the covids two months ago. Also, I need to lose some weight, that’ll make things easier.
I’ve been swimming a lot, really pushing myself and trying to burn fat. I do my calisthenics strength training routine, then swim for about 45 minutes, three times a week, and on off days I do some skill training with handstands and L-sits, plus core training.
Exercising every single day has so far been my go-to way of retaining my sanity this year.
Everything here is in lockdown, so Ive been trying to train at home. Mostly calisthenics, with some cardio in the form of biking and/or running. I have around 15-20cm lefts to the floor of my front splits, and I think this isnt so much. Almost there. Probably will miss my goal to have it before the end of the year but only by a little. Middle splits is still far away but that was never my goal. Needle is a far away dream. Perhaps on my deathbed I will do it.
Ive been trying to work extra hard on posture, and back flexibility. Dont know if that works, but it sure feels good, and my back/upper body cracks in new and more liberating ways.
Now the bad: I got called thick today, and I dont know what to do about it. I cant avoid but think of it as being fat. At the same time my BMI is 24.9 and workout multiple hours per week, both pole and cardio, I have a little chub, but never really thought of myself as thick, and was always going for fit or athletic. I know the person who said said it as a compliment and meant it in the best possible way, but my brain is being a total asshole right now.
Was it “thick” or “thicc”? Cus thicc is a compliment (at least to me. Lol)