I need to prepare for Christmas dinner with my lib family and need well sourced arguments, since I will attack people from the left, the side of the political spectrum that needs sources for every claim. Anyway, sources like The Intercept or Jacobin are still acceptable.
You know the video in which she thinks it’s hilarious to prosecute people, send them to jail because their kids weren’t in school? No better proof how she thinks about struggling families, single parents, poor folks…
this one might not work, but it explains why trans people such as myself fucking hate her. You have my permission to play up the “”“wokescold”“” angle if it gets libs to fucking understand that she’s a transphobic cop.
While Harris was California attorney general in 2015, she defended the state’s decision to deny giving Michelle Norsworthy, a trans woman incarcerated in a men’s prison, medically necessary surgery for her diagnosed gender dysphoria.
under Harris’s leadership not only defended the denial of care in court in the face of Ms. Norsworthy’s escalating distress and suicidality but then continued to appeal decisions in her favor.”
The state even fucking ruled against her.
In April 2015, Federal District Court Judge Jon Tigar ruled that denying Norsworthy care violated her rights to adequate medical treatment under the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which forbids cruel and unusual punishment.
This master post has articles from tons of lib websites