Reddit is so transphobic
God I took a look at the subreddit and the arguments are so dumb. “Well this word is an offensive slur thrown against trans people by all the most awful corners of the internet and is perceived as such by everyone aware of these issues, but we use it in a totally cool way. People just don’t UNDERSTAND us.” If it really didn’t matter, just choose a different fucking word. One that isn’t so loaded.
I always wonder whether places like this are truly self-deluding themselves on the hateful nature of their own language, or if they are completely aware and just cynically lying about their own beliefs in order to spare themselves scrutiny.
I’ll never understand how so many anime fans became transphobes. Isn’t a big theme in a lot of animes acceptance of people that are different from you? Like, how do these dorks miss those messages?
(not defending them, but) Most of them don’t seem to have a specific problem with trans people, they’re just highly reactionary and extremely hostile to the idea that the words they use and the tropes they perpetuate are harmful or alienating to trans people.
I think part of it is also that a lot of younger weebs are trying to emulate what they perceive the online anime community as being, but in doing so end up clinging on to the most random jokes/tropes and running them into the ground. I guarantee that most of the people complaining on Reddit are 16 or under.
That makes sense. That would also explain why I’ve seen nothing but acceptance at anime conventions, most con goers there were over 16.
There is definitely a portion of the sub that is either ambivalent towards the new rule or actively support it, they just don’t want to speak up in front of the angry hoard. Within a week or two, the children on the sub will get tired of complaining and things will go back to normal with them going back to switching between posting shitty Re:Zero and Oregairu memes depending on which one aired the most recently
Oh, trust me, the terminally online weebs hate the idea of conventions and think that people walking around like the weebs they are in public is cringe.
God, they’re STILL going on about this shit? Don’t they have anything better to do?
God, what’s up with anime fans being such asshats? I love anime myself so it isn’t a necessary thing but there’s so many of them.
my theory is that it used to be a niche thing that people were kind of ostracised for (in schools anyway), but got mainstream, so the “OG” fans resented the “normies” invading “their space” and got more and more reactionary
same deal with gamers
it’s been going for a couple of days now I think. I appreciate the mods but…
Still got an account?
Go out with a bang and post a slightly Japanese-looking 2D nude!
ehh, that just annoys the mods, who as I said I appreciate. if I had a way to get to the frontpage mocking transphobes, I’d do it in a heartbeat.