Posting Hakim is :halal:
Vaush joking about how he hopes Iraq gets droned again
America as a nation hasn’t known actual hardship since maybe the depression. If America had to endure even a fraction of the destruction and suffering that it causes globally, then the very idea of joking about it wouldn’t be allowed. We saw this with 9/11. Think of how taboo it is, compared to laughing at the destruction America caused to other nations. Vaush can’t help but to show his liberal brain worms when he tries to own Hakim with “muh china bad drone strikes”. Apparently it’s not enough to completely decimate a nation and kill almost a million innocent lives, they must be thankful for it too
I’d go as far to argue that America (if you are excluding the experiences of African and indigenous Americans) has had it relatively easy since forever, excluding the Civil War (which was largely kept away from densely populated areas in the North anyway). Even “First World” European countries have more claim to suffering given the immense scale of destruction of WWII that the Pacific and Atlantic kept the American mainland safe from.
On a topic somewhat unrelated to Vaush, I really like how often Hakim reminds people of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of US foreign policy. When it come to the middle east, ofcourse there is no difference between Biden or Trump. I always get so much push back when I say that to people I know irl, as if we are supposed to ignore the actual horrors inflicted on civilians because “Joe seems so nice and kind, he wouldn’t allow anything like that to happen”
Hakim is excellent
he should be using his good brain on better stuff than beefing with Vaush
I considered myself the coolest Iraqi until I discovered Hakim, now I’m in 2nd place