this article is actually decent.
when i first heard life in prison was on the table it seemed disgusting, especially for a molotov that didn’t explode. getting charged with arson and the likes for literally no fire is wrong, but apparently it’s also unheard of for a molotov case to be tried this harshly. using the bullshit commerce clause they can try it as a federal case and have minimum 30 yrs in prison if found guilty
Good advice. Thank you comrade.
I’ve heard that tampons are also much better than rags, that the smaller Mickey’s or Red Stripe bottles are easier to carry and throw, and that you can turn gas into a sort of homemade napalm by mixing it with styrofoam, but I’m certainly no expert on these things and would never think of getting involved with such activities myself, of course.
If you dissolve styrofoam into gasoline it’ll make the gas sticky, sure, but you could piss the fire out because it won’t burn very well. The more stuff you put in, the greater the energy requirement to continue the reaction.
Pure H202 might be an explosive but the stuff you use to treat wounds is diluted to the point it won’t blow up no matter what you do to it.
Interesting, and that does make sense.
From what I’ve read, the napalm B that was used in Vietnam was a combination of gasoline, benzene, and polystyrene, though I’m wondering if what the ratios were, and if any additional compounds were added to accelerate burning.
The original napalm, again from what I’ve read, was supposedly developed during WWII was a combination of aluminum soap powder (made up of naphthene and palmitate) mixed with gasoline.
benzene is the compound added to accelerate burning. Well, I don’t know if that was the intent, but it would definitely get the job done. It burns hotter and faster than gasoline. It also is so toxic that the oil industry stopped using it and admitted there is no safe concentration of benzene. I didn’t even finish ochem and I’m more terrified of benzene than radiation.
How does that actually work?
If I were LARPing as my Fallout character and making a molotov cocktail, what would be the hypothetical process and required ingredients, in this fictional scenario?