Honestly the fact that Jesus hung out with prostitutes and was just like “yeah they’re actually just as good as or better people than you, ya dumb priests” was insanely based for its day. And they emphasize it a lot. Later Christians seem to have instantly forgot that.
I’m not a religious person but it’s clear that american christianity isn’t about worshipping the values of jesus, it’s about worshipping the values of america dresses up as jesus.
I took a writing course at uni called “searching for the historical Jesus.” I went into the class with the American Christianity mindset and was salivating about the chance to show my professor what a fucking menace the comrade was. The most sinister shit he did in the gospels was murder a fig tree.
Matt’s assertion that US Protestantism worships Mammon in the form of “America” is spot on
Christianity is very weird in that its very obviously supposed to be a religion for lower classes, it spent a few hundreds of years as a perfectly good pacifist/anarchist cult, and then they changed it so much when it was made to be the state religion of Rome. The apostles never would have imagined that the church would one day own land, crown kings, and justify genocide
Is it really Christmas if you and you local priests aren’t actively waging a protracted people’s war with the local equivalent of the EZLN?