Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls for sanctions on China + new US consulate in Tibet and demands State Dept. interference in China’s internal affairs.
Soft left pro imperialist strike again, though she already revealed herself on Venezuela and Bolivia.
HAHAHAHAHA and just a couple weeks ago I got dogpiled when I criticized an unironic AOC 2024 comment. Feeling smug as fuck right now :elmofire:
How can you oppose a Democratic Party careerist? She even calls herself socialist, what more could you want?
I mean I’d still critically support her even if she’s still a shitty socdem. I think on a global scale she would overall improve more people’s material conditions than harm them.
on a global scale she would overall improve more people’s material conditions than harm them.
Improving the lives of people living in the imperial core at the expense of everyone else is what she’s likely to achieve. You know, one of the textbook definitions of imperialism.
Actually she should talk about foreign policy, as American foreign policy continues to immiserate and kill countless people worldwide.
AOC should, however, stop carrying water for Imperialists.
the point is that she supports that
she likes that america kills countless people worldwide and wants to keep doing it. she is an imperialist. that’s why she should stop talking about it
though i dont agree with that personally. she should keep throwing her shit views out there and either taking criticism or just showing everyone she doesnt give a shit
we done carrying water for her now? or are we going to forget this in a week because she said something mean to Pelosi?
She is who we thought she was. And we let her off the hook