Permanently Deleted
Other than Ori I can think of like, six games off the top of my head that deserve those other spots more.
And here they are:
Spiritfarer: a soothing and beautiful meditation on life and death, plus you get to build a boat.
Hades : No I will not shut up about Hades, why haven’t you played Hades yet you fucks?!
Paradise Killer: an open-world detective game set in that one piece of vaporwave art with the palm trees you see everywhere.
B.P.M: Bullets Per Minute: The prettiest Quake’s aesthetic has ever looked
Streets of Rage 4: Lovely hand-drawn art plus punching people, what else could you need?
POST-VOID: Like playing a piece of outsider art that’s deliberately trying to make you puke out your intestines, A+ would play again
my friends and i were, i like comics and they’re huge mcu nerds. wasn’t a deal breaker for them. the covid/fires thing really fucked with it, and it was clearly not ready for release but the studio/investors/whoever made them go forward.
doesn’t help them that marvel had zero releases in theaters to cross promote, and it was rumored they had black panther ready to announce and then Chadwick died days before announcement.
frankly I really like the game, and enjoy it still. never had any bug issues or anything (ps4 pro)
G*mers are kids with not taste
it literally looks like a avengers rip-off because it looks so bland
Witcher 3 for ‘Labor of Love’ is the funniest nomination imo