I was gonna go to Femboy Tech, but I got a sccholarship
Going to college is actually fucking cring
Lol this gets more engagement my effort posts. Himbo life rocks
Cool, I got a full ride to Bear State University
To be honest, I prefer soft boys and hard women
Which got the Crusty Old Dean of Bear State pretty riled up
That’s why my Fraternity, Chug-a-Lug House, had to prank him during the big game against our rivals, Dandy A&M
Then we all had a montage showing what happened to us after graduation
I wanna be mistaken for being an alumni of this fine institution. Once this covid is over gonna hit the gym to get the bod. Hope I have the attitude though. Himbo is hot, polite, and not to bright I think.
Hell yeah, himbos are awesome. The first himbo that comes to mind for me is Kronk from the Emperor’s new groove tbh. Him and Jonathan Joestar even though he supposed to be an archaeologist or something maybe Joseph too.
Joseph Jo is best big bi himbo ugh my king
Big brain when he needs it tho