“My starved slaves refuse to breed, what should I do?”
Have you considered gutting sex education, blocking access to contraceptives, and prohibiting abortion?
Yes of course, I followed every advice from the cattle management books, yet my rate of profit keeps declining.
Hmm… that is a sticky wicket. What if you starved them more, and maybe evicted a whole bunch of them from their hovels?
Didn’t Hungarians try this and end up with a population explosion of angry dissidents?
Lots of liberal dumb-fuckery in that article. For instance:
In the second half of the 20th century, the pattern in the U.S. and elsewhere was that fertility tended to fall during recessions and then bounce back when the economy recovered. Demographers expected that to happen after the 2007-09 recession… But the pattern broke. The post-recession rebound never came even as the U.S. economy staged the longest expansion on record. Birthrates for women in their 20s, which had dropped 25% or more during and shortly after the recession, kept falling, and they stayed flat for women in their 30s.
Gee, what a fucking paradox. These idiots actually believe the American economy recovered from 2008, presumably just because stonks went up and unemployment went down. The accelerated collapse of the middle-class, the proliferation of debt, and the replacement of modest-pay, stable income jobs with low-pay bullshit/precarious jobs never factors into their shit analysis somehow. For 90% of Americans, the economy never recovered, and raising a family is less affordable than it’s ever been.
Right, it’s amazing how the answer is staring them right in the face and they refuse to see it: that if birth rates didn’t recover, maybe women in their 20s didn’t experience a recovery, along with most everyone else.
Nah the author probably just thinks “gee, why didn’t all those working class women just sell their stocks in order to afford a baby?”
Alternative headline: Why aren’t our slaves breading more slaves for us?
Imagine a world where we paid a smaller labor pool more.