Britons again with the most draconian laws you can possibly imagine. That wretched island has been nothing but a pile of the worst things and ideas humanity has to offer, and still it’s the “bastion of freedom” and part of the “free west”.
What a joke. At least free software alternatives that make sense and can provide anonymity and privacy could possibly be free from such a backdoor, like SimpleX or something else.
Well I wish best of luck to all Britons so that they may be safe. Especially trans people…
Truly the UK is the worst nation.
- A Brit
now that the government separated the UK from the EU they should put propellers up their asses and push their pathetic island between russia and china if they wanna pass laws like that
i praise the kids of great britain and the colonies for making uk leave the eu. may they have tea, biscuits, a broken economy and no privacy.