This is fine
Ok, can anyone from Burgerland answer me on this : did they implement a single measure to stop the spread, or is it just “left to states” ? Like, I have been out of the loop on what’s happening there in terms of measures besides vaccination campaigns starting.
No but really, I do appreciate the US collapsing over a fucking virus, the thought of it is both absurd and hilarious. So much blood spilled to maintain its hegemony, and yet they won’t even save their system for the longterm so that the line may go up some more. Absolutely hopeless. :agony-deep:
The Feds did fuck all, and actively contributed to the spread by spewing misinformation at the start.
Some states implemented lockdowns to varying degrees, none of them lasted more than a few months.
So you’re basically saying not a single state is currently locked down ? Unless I misinterpret something of course.
Colorado’s response has been mixed. The governor is a vaguely progressive-ish liberal who has tried to follow the science. However, the state is sandwiched by conservative states and has large pockets of groups like evangelical christians/farmers/oil and gas workers within it that are highly reactionary. None of them will listen to a gay Jewish liberal telling them to follow basic science. When the first wave hit and he declared a lockdown, boomers were making pipebombs and violating the order purposely. Individuals didn’t believe in it, restaurants and bars didn’t want to close or enforce masks, heavy industries like meatpacking colluded with seditious counties to pretend outbreaks weren’t happening. After that initial two month lockdown, there has only been a statewide mask mandate for people over 10 in public spaces which I’d wager 60-80% of people follow to some degree. Those who don’t tend to be very belligerent about it and negate whatever efforts the others were making to keep the virus out. There is zero chance of another real lockdown being enforced. Because the state is a mountain tourism destination and major interstate transportation hub, there is so much transmission potential with much of it being sent up into isolated mountain communities hours away from real hospitals.
Somehow this is on the better end of responses and I feel safer here than I would in most other states.
Family looking at me like I’m some prophet when they heard this news that I was telling them about for a while. Viruses mutate and we gonna be doing this bit for at least a few more years.
Told them at best maybe 4 or 5 years so as to not depress them. They also weary about my comments, rants, about how the U.S gonna collapse. To their credit they ain’t mad at me just 😶. Don’t know how to describe it.
If we keep doing this bit with the new strain then America won’t last a few more years.
I’m gonna start planning when/how to bail on this shithole. Canada won’t be any better but at least I can be with family while things burn.
Mind you no expert just slight doomer. As in I’m not wallowing in grief just preparing for worse. Been looking into gardening for stress relief and a bit more food but also making friendly with neighbors even if I hate them. When times get tougher gonna have to band together with people we don’t like.
Also thinking if wise to bulk up when times are good. Here in California though the main concern for me is water.
Good luck in Canada with family though, the only family I care about is here in U.S.
I’m still fearing we’ll see a mutation that actually manages to ignore the vaccine while still being just as lethal before this is through. Especially given the amount of cases in western countries and as vaccines roll out and the evolutionary conditions for the virus to persist such mutations increases.
I just can’t get over how the mainstream media did a complete 360 spin on all of this after Biden won the election. All they ever talk about is how the vaccines will cure everything and we’ll be on the road to recovery by the summer and everything will be A-OK. Before Biden’s victory, they were dead set to act all skeptical and downplay the vaccines in case Trump won. But now with the orange man out, everything is fine.