Slamming a shot of laudanum and reaming out my asshole to cure my asthma.
“Your ass may hurt a bit at first so here, also take home a shitload of opium”
Dr. Young’s Ideal Rectal Dilators
“Do not neglect to use your Dilators … It is advisable to use [them] occasionally as a precautionary measure. You need have no fear of using them too much”.
An 1893 Medical News editorial noted that “Dr. Young” himself, writing in another journal of which he was the editor, praised rectal dilation as a cure for insanity, claiming that at least “three-fourths of all the howling maniacs of the world” were curable “in a few weeks’ time by the application of orificial methods”.
You can’t make me take out my buttplug, I need it for my asthma.