Seriously, who would put tape on the side before going to town? also, the pig head definitely feel out of color, especially for anarchist.
is this a false flag? or do we have truly have the nicest vandale on our hand?
If it wasn’t a false flag, the house would’ve been burnt down.
at least in my opinion.
I legit can’t tell what I’m looking at. The most I can discern is the graffiti kinda looks like a butthole
well, you can clearly see that the round around the A should be on the brics, but tape must have been applied prior in order to prevent any spill, and now that it as been removed the bris si stain free but the grafiti is cropped.
I can dm you the full picture of the “vandalised” garage door of nancy pelosi if you want the full context of the pic, but there is a severed pig head , so be sure that you want to see that.
If this was fake why would they care about getting paint on the brick? I’m sorry but it makes no sense. The explaination I saw was that it takes a long spray of paint to cover brick because it is porous
If you are making an opsec, you don’t want to do any actual damage, especially to someone this important, you just care about the chock value. and if you are doing this to yourself, you also don’t want to deal with too much consequences that can’t be fixed in 10 minute
Once you get paint on brick, it is really hard (and expensive) to remove, because of the brick prousness
Getting paint off brick would be expensive to us, nothing to 3 fridges just for ice cream Nancy. I really doubt they would worry about that. The painter was obviously trying to just stay on the white door because the contrast of black on white.
are we looking at the same picture? have you ever spray painted anything? that was taped
I would have thrown bricks through windows, and made sure the it was expensive as possible to clean up. If they catch who ever did it the cops going to throw the book at them, its not like reducing the amount of property damage is going to help their case. And really if any of us decided to vandalize one these two fuckers houses would we try in any way to limit our damage. I’m fairly sure this was an op.
well, keeping it too spray paint and fake blood is still a pretty smart move if you ask me, if you don’t plan on getting caught it make much less noise, and if you are not making an op, the damage on brick can be pretty annoying to remove. (but that would be assuming that neither of their home have cop on the lookout) where as any broken window will make the police come much faster.
Eh yeah I might be over zealous, your totally right about breaking windows, and 100% there would be alarm system that would go off if a window broke.
i mean, i love your enthusiasm comrade, but getting caught for dumb shit isn’t helping the cause. don’t do over the top thing unless your sure it’s worth it.