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Hit a cop in the head with a hammer at a protest and got away with it.
It’s a long story but basically one time i called the cops on this guy outside my workplace because he was acting very rapey towards this young woman who was sobbing, like he was holding her hostage or something, it turned out they were both cops and it ended up unraveling this three way affair between the male cop, two other cops, and his wife. The rapey cop was allowed to drive home drunk by the cop that came to investigate the same night, the next day he came back to try to cover up evidence for his copbuddy but was too stupid and raised a red flag when we reported that interaction too. The whole thing came out, the rapey cop got fired, divorced, and lost the local election he was running for, and i think the others involved switched departments. I had to talk with an attorney on the phone several times and it was just the most surreal shit.
edit: haha damn i guess it isn’t too too surprising but that’s pretty cool that some of you remember this from the old sub
trying not to approach doxing myself territory too hard but i posted about it in the subreddit a long time ago, so you might remember it from there
mid-2019 during the campaign I made eye contact with a guilty-looking Senator Kamala Harris as she cut the line I was waiting in at a really good sushi place, her (female) bodyguard in tow with an obvious pistol bulge under her blazer
him replying “wanna play roblox” to her text talking about her grandmother’s recent death
what a chad
When I was 15ish and in high school (and a super evangelical boy), my friends and I randomly met a group of very attractive girls from another local high school at McDonalds at 1 or 2 in the morning after a school dance who seemed really interested in us. We all talked with them for a while afterwards and got their numbers to continue communicating and were confused but went with it.
One night, the girl I was talking to invited me to her place to chill in the hot tub with her and her other hot friend. I’d never been involved with a girl and was dorky as fuck so it was unreal. However I was also super religious and attending a church group meeting about overcoming “sexual sin” that night, so I declined because it seemed wrong. Still wonder all these years later where shit might have gone if I didn’t cockblock myself.