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There is some truth to that. If you go deep enough it becomes impossible to teach history without it becoming lefty “propoganda” just because it is impossible to portray significant events like the French revolution, abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, worker rights, Bolshevik revolution, etc in a wholly negative light. I mean check out this essay question from a random AP world history exam
It’s basically asking for kids to write why Mao’s revolution was based as fuck for the peasants and why the landlords/feudalists/Japanese invaders hated it
On a bad day, Mitch already looks like a walking turtle cadaver that is only kept moving by snuffing out the souls of human sacrifices, and Pelosi always makes me think there’s not a single water molecule left in her dessicated wood chunk of a body. Like, there’s probably a small sawdust cloud coming out of her ass when she farts. Doesn’t take much to imagine that somebody grafts a cyber monocle or a robotic claw to their husks.
I had consumed some edibles near the start of the pandemic and found that post/tweet about genz calling the virus boomer remover. And i couldn’t stop laughing for 4 hrs.
When I still listened to npr they did an interview with a boomer at the very beginning of the pandemic who said the reason people aren’t taking it seriously is because it only effects old people when the old people in charge were the ones telling us not to do anything
My parents are boomers and every step of the way they do the dumbest shit possible. At first they were panicking buying, then this is the fault of tbe dirty bat eating chinese, then the virus is a hoax by the dems and they want to go on vacation, then my dad got it and they wouldn’t self isolate, they then were panicking buying because biden illegitimately won the election and theres gonna be a civil war
It never fucking ends
most of the comrades of that generation died before age 60. certainly before eighty. drugs, cointelpro, HIV, and just too many years of doing the right thing putting them in the line of fire. I think it’s fair, in 2021, to say that any boomer left is fucking human garbage and extremely disposable. there may be exceptions, but they got through a LOT of filters.
I’m writing a leftist D&D campaign, and this reminded me to add that everyone over 60 is disenfranchised, but they all live in comfort, and they generally understand that if they’re not going to live through the consequences they shouldn’t be making decisions any longer.