It’s incredible and i recommend it. Great Soundtrack
Great game, I prefer 3 because the superpowers in 4 make driving around in cars pointless. I’d love for there to be another, but on a smaller scale like 1 or 2 but with the wacky shit that shows up in 3 and 4 like the genki bowl.
I keep hoping that we’ll get another Saints Row someday, but the odds of that are slim
Yeah I was expecting it to be crap, but the storyline had some nice references to the older games if otherwise it sucked, the actual gameplay(older cartoony SR combat combined with superpowers) is very fun, I enjoyed the game throughout tbh
I love the shit out of Saints Row 3 and 4, I did play 2 but getting through the garbage PC port was a nightmare. I really hope they do a remake for it someday.
Yea that whole series is great. I love that they didn’t even try to create a gta ripoff making it all serious, but instead decided to just be wacky as all hell