Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
We took the boys to the Barbie movie today. It was hilarious! You probably need to have grown up with Barbie in your house to get some of the references. Our kids have not, I’m sad to say - so they missed a lot. All the Patriarchy stuff would have gone right over their heads, also. Hopefully, that word is now in their lexicons though.
They claim it was a good movie, so it obviously still worked at their level. My wife and I had a blast laughing at it though. Great family fun.
I’ve got a crook shoulder today but at least ive been entertained with the Dan news and more than I need to know about cat balls. Lol.
I just need to say, the latest episode of Lower Decks was just brilliant. I think it could be one of my favorite shows at this point.
And just like that literally overnight a Watsonia appeared.
That is a few weeks early.
It waited until after the wedding, so it wouldn’t get picked and used in the floral arrangements …
heh I was just thinking oh jeez they would’ve been nice.
Sneaky watsonia.