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Thank you for posting this, this is an excellent statement. The point about the WaPo editorial from all of the former SecDefs raises a really valuable and troubling point that I hadn’t even considered. It makes the rumors that Trump is currently ensconced in a military command center all the more troubling.
Liked this site, having audio and text really helps me concentrate when getting through something. Gonna see more later if rest of site like this.
All of this reminds me of how when no material analysis in mind, probably like a lot of historical revisionism, and worship lead to the idea of the nazis being some sort of occult super geniuses that came out of nowhere to dominate Germany. The reality has been fash have always got as far as the ruling class let them and are willing to support them when convenient.
This might be, not to give them credit or anything, why Biden kept saying nothing fundamentally will change. All this as a reassurance to the ruling class that they should back him vs trump but the rich might have been hedging their bets anyway and thinking whether or not they can just out right do a coup or not.
Despite everything happening the line went up but I wonder what would happen if line went down. Sorry if really basic, drunk and sleepy and running out of brain power.
Calling it now. Pence primaries as a Democrat in 2024 with the line that he was the only one who could stop Trump the first time with 25th amendment shit, and Biden/Harris just fucked around.
I’m glad it calls them fascist reactionaries and doesn’t beat around the bush with calling them something like protestors or agitated citizens or some shit.
Good statement. Keep more slop coming please
At that point, you might as well just cut out the middle woman and subscribe to lib news directly.
People aren’t going to close chapochat and go somewhere else without it being a post. Social media users are sticky, they don’t leave the place that they’ve designated their “home” except when they’re grocery shopping at the reddit or twitter malls or something.