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Ahhhh yes, the well known left-wing slave owners :nods:
So Cenk is always saying shit like this - re-appropriating patriotic/establishment/captialist motifs to support a succdem agenda. He’s wrong, etc.
But calling him “Chunk Yogurt” is racist crap copying chuds. Fuck that. Be better, OP. Just because your name is Jack Johnson doesn’t give you the right to make fun of others’ names.
I’m sorry but I’m not moved by anti-Turkish (or anti-Japanese for that matter) racism. Once your culture has produced a genocide you’re white and fair game. No different than making fun of a German or French name.
If you just reduce it down to abstract culture then this justification works for literally anyone if you do enough of a stretch.
I don’t agree, but it is really fucked up that Cenk named his media company after a group that did one of the worst genocides in the 20th century.
a group that did one of the worst genocides in the 20th century
As far as I understand the history, that’s not exactly accurate. It’s more like the Jacobin Magazine - yes, the Jacobins did some atrocities (and before you say killing nobles is good - the vast, vast majority of the victims were peasants and suspected political enemies of all stripes, left and right, which is what eventually got them overthrown), but it was quite a complicated time and what we remember and praise them for isn’t the atrocities, it’s their ideals and the forceful pursuit thereof.
The Young Turks were liberal nationalists who were trying to reform the Ottomans for years before they sniffed political power. That’s when they and their name became famous and associated with “revolutionaries” of any kind - which is the definition TYT was founded under. Certain factions of theirs eventually took power and perpetrated the Armenian/Assyrian/Greek genocides, but that was one of the things they did, it wasn’t a linchpin of their program. Arguably, an unreformed Ottoman government would have done the same in their place - they had already been arming paramilitary Bashi-Bazouk forces that were known for massacring disloyal minority populations.
Given that Cenk was a genocide-denier in his Republican youth, I do agree the naming is a bit fucked up in retrospect - I’d rename themselves if I were them. But the Young Turks weren’t the equivalent of Nazis, they were way broader than that and did represent one of the most progressive movements in Turkish history.
So does that mean it’s ok for chuds in the US and Europe to attack diaspora Turks because they’re Muslim and middle eastern? Was the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII justified? I dunno man, this seems like shitty logic that just perpetuates an idpol, nationalist type of thinking and ignores class and other power dynamics.
If that’s logic, the sky is a pancake. Brain de-worming is in order.
WTF kind of thinking is “your culture has produced a genocide”? Collective punishment based on cultural affinity?? Was the Armenian/Assyrian/Greek genocide “Turkish” or “Ottoman”? Is any culture the same thing as it was 100 years ago? Absurdity on absurdity.
Genocides are human nature. We’ve just rarely had the opportunity for them until the industrial revolution.
And if you’re a part of Western/American culture - you’re associated with genocides of your own, so you don’t have much moral high-ground.
We give loads of people silly names as a way of deriding them. Is it really racist? Chunk Yogurt is just a funny couplet of words.
It is racist/xenophobic. You meet someone named “John” do you think “hehehe like the toilet” or “Jack” - “hehe like masturbation”? You don’t, because those are normal names.
Turks are a minority in the English-speaking world. Cenk was pressured to pick an American name when he tried getting into media. “Chunk Yogurt” and it’s myriad versions is what gets posted on like every Cenk video, along with “fat brown libt*rd” or whatever. The impulse to go after the name is about focusing on the one thing that’s other about him. Ben Dixon doesn’t get called a Dick-Son on every on of his videos, does he?
Making fun of names can be good fun. But it’s a bit like racial slurs/jokes - you need to be in the in-group, you need to be a friend who’s known to be cool. Otherwise you look like an asshole participating in ostracism.
I mean, personally, if I’m making fun of someone I do make fun of their first and last names, “normal” or “not normal”. So yes if don’t like the dude, yes I would think “teehee, jack-off”, or “Cuck Schumer”.
Yesterday he was so fucking hyped about that Trump concession he began the show by saying something like “Ana, are we gonna have anything but fun today?” and you could tell she was taken aback (which must take a lot at this point) and said “uh yeah we’re going to be having a lot of not-fun today.”
Then later in the show he’s whinging about Pence maybe having deployed the national guard and he’s like “what if someone attacked us? Who does the military get the order from?”
Just awful.
Grifter gonna grift.
So Antifa were the real fascists after all😔