John McAfee is using some sort of black magic to try to justify not eating his own dick.
Seriously wtf is wrong with people? How have all the rubes willing to buy at that price not lost all of their money already? Also interesting that this coincides with Tesla’s boom, which is also famously volatile.
It’s part of TINA—There is No Alternative but for asset classes. If you want to hedge against the stock market (which is seeing potentially unlimited gains after the Fed said they’ll print money to keep the Line Go Up forever and its total decoupling from any semblance of economic reality, ie Telsa being worth more than every other car company on the planet combined), you’ve got to park your money in bitcoin. Bonds are at record low yields, real estate market is imploded so REITs won’t do the job because of the pandemic, the dollar is weakening, etc. Institutional investors and hedge funds are treating bitcoin like digital gold, and the more money is poured into bitcoin by these institutions the less risky it becomes, because they have a vested interest in making sure the price doesn’t implode 80% like the last bull runs. For all its promise of “liberating the world” or whatever bitcoin is just going to end up being another asset class for diversification with investors like silver or gold. I think bitcoin will outlive the United States. Things like Monero are closer to the vision of a private digital currency that bitcoin was originally postulated as. Nobody will ever use bitcoin as a currency—it’s strictly a store of value at this point.
in my head only 1 person buys or sells any bitcoin within a given month, and the entire thing is just a machine to fuck that person over as hard as possible. A bunch of fake numbers that mean nothing and an inexplicably gigantic advertising apparatus to convince people to stick their money in a chute labeled “might make u rich!” that just deposits that money directly into a billionaire’s vault
Just curious, how do you sell them, personally? Do you use an exchange or sell directly to other people in your area? I have heard that places like coinbase are blocking people from pulling out by delaying transactions, which is something I heard also about other exchanges the last time the price spiked
IF I still have my password on my old computer, I would potentially have access to like 0.3 BTC that I got from a website for “watching” ads for fractions of coins and a Bitcoin faucet to promote bitcoin back in like 2013. Would it even be possible to “pull out” now?
so the rubes who fall for that “send 1 bitcoin we’ll send back 2” scam by Elon Husk impersonators are losing FORTY GRAND?
I put in $200 to a wallet on Tuesday to buy drugs online, like ya do, but my regular market is down/exit scamming/DDOS’d.
Went to go send it back to regular money today, but it’s now $250.
Not a Bitcoin bro or anything, just a very occasional black market user, but I’m usually broke and $50 out of nowhere for nothing is releasing troubling amounts of dopamine.
Fuck Musk and McAffee
Around the last peak of the price of Bitcoin, a buddy of mine found 3 Bitcoin in a wallet on an old laptop he hadn’t opened for years. He’d mined them on work computers after hours.
He then sold them and used the proceeds to buy a disused warehouse in Greece to live in…I’m both envious and amazed that by pure luck and by “expropriating” electricity from his employer he managed to do that. And also aghast that this is even a chain of events that is possible.
Yeah, I remember giving advice to a few people with extra cash to buy $100-1000 worth of bitcoin and lock it away on a thumb drive in a safe deposit box and never think about it again until you’re forced to. I was like 15 so no one took me seriously, but I got some texts when it got $20k last year from people kicking themselves that they didn’t do exactly what I said
Don’t feel too bad man. I knew about Bitcoin before it had any value at all. I mean, this was before the famous trade where a guy gave 10k Bitcoin for a pizza. I decided to figure out how to mine them (which was very easy to do at the time), but ran into some annoyances with creating a dual boot so I could run mining software on Linux.
This is now a funny story my friends tell strangers at parties every time Bitcoin is brought up. My only solace is knowing I never would’ve held onto it past 100$ unless I managed to forget I had it for years.
I was one click away from buying $400 worth at $3 USD. It’s rough but I know I would have 100% sold at like 1k.
A long ass time ago I was reading about bitcoin and it sounded interesting so I set up a Coinbase account. Back then they gave you one cent in Bitcoin just for making an account. I don’t know what happened, I think I couldn’t figure out how to add funds or something so I didn’t buy anything. Several years later when Bitcoin was blowing up again I decided to buy some. I signed into that old account and my one cent was fifteen cents. That was pretty early on still, it’s worth more now. I always wonder what would have happened if I had figured out how to buy some back then lol.
same. my coinbase transaction history from back when bitcoin was fresh is extremely depressing to look at. oh well, i was gonna buy drugs anyways, was never going to invest in bitcoin. i was more of a monero person if were to invest but i didn’t and that one didn’t even work out, so i try to not let this shit bother me. but it is sad to look at sometimes