i miswrote dead kennedys, but dad kennedy is how i will call the band now
Dad Band Alignment Chart
Zepplin/Blues/Doom Rock : The generalist. Safe pick with a good chance of being actually good.
Classic 4-chord Punk : Chaos pick. Guys working four restaurant jobs to support their special needs kid and guys with ankle bracelets both go here.
Jazz-adjacent : Most likely to be able to read music. Also the most likely to be foisting music on kids who don’t want it.
Garage Rock : Usually fine if not divorced, otherwise much less so.
Folk/Country : Neutral good if proletariat, chaotic evil if bourgeoisie.
80s Synth Stuff : Lawful evil. The specifics of his collectibles & memorabilia will reveal if one ought to fear for those around him.
actually thought u were doing a joke about how they are all grown up old dads now that have lost their touch
Yeah I uphold AnarchoRomneyism, what of it?
Green Day > Dead Kennedys
Deal with it, I’m not sorry
God I wish we still had a downvote button.
Bush is bad liberalism vs “let’s lynch the landlord” ffs
They did this however: https://i.redd.it/ezz156a74eg41.jpg
Jello hasn’t been involved since the late 80s and the guy posting the Romney stuff is their scab singer, but yeah anyone listening to punk in 2021 is still probs a chud or pedo
Forgive me ya’ll the ability to post without being downvoted has gone to my head and I am both am a salty Former Punk™️ and someone who got reaaaaaaallly sick of the number of (absolutely non pedo or chud) grown ass adults playing in boring punk bands in my city a few years back.
??? White Lung, Screaming Females, IDLES, Otoboke Beaver, are all recent, and everything Kathleen Hannah has ever done
Plus, Jello and the Kennedys were talking shit about Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi back when they were still local politicians. Yeah all your heroes die young or get old enough to become losers, but the music they made was full of theory, and performing that shit live is straight up praxis. They had a heavy hand in defending the SF punk scene from Nazis too.
DK has made no new music since Jello left.