This was one of many things the French fixed with their revolution but was cruelly taken away by the reactionaries. Decimal time
VIII. Each month is divided into three equal parts, of ten days each, which are called décades… The day, from midnight to midnight, is divided into ten parts or hours, each part into ten others, so on until the smallest measurable portion of the duration. The hundredth part of the hour is called decimal minute; the hundredth part of the minute is called decimal second.
Day doesn’t start at 12, it ends at 11:59 before turning back over to 00:00
Personally I’d argue for base 36 time!
36 hours, each consisting of 36 minutes, each consisting of 36 seconds.
Lets you treat time as a 0-Z number with two decimal points, the day ends at Z.ZZ at night, plus base 36 is SUPER conveniently divisible, which jives really well with how most folks actually consider how much time they need to do whatever or what time it is.
This system was made by sexagesimal gang
Like it was smarter to write in base 10, multiples of 12 such as 60 and 24… * roll the eyes *