There’s a snopes article about this and it calls Bernie supporters sharing this “disingenuous” for not mentioning that she ordered the flag not be replaced after this guy tore it down for the second time in two days.
Richard Bradley shinnied up a flagpole in front of San Francisco City Hall for the second time in as many days yesterday to tear down a Confederate flag he finds offensive. When he got to the ground, after ripping the flag to shreds and throwing the pieces to the ground, he was arrested and charged with malicious mischief. He was arrested on the same charge Sunday after he climbed the same flagpole and tore apart another Confederate flag
Absolutely based.
“the union won the war, the confederacy won the peace” is how my college prof put it
after ripping the flag to shreds
Jesus Christ dude had to have been
demonstrators actually stole the flag in July before it was quickly replaced
passive voice alert. The flag “was quickly replaced.” Just sort of happened. A force of nature, really–nobody actually did anything.
That is a lot of words to try and avoid saying “yes she was fine with flying the Confederate flag”
I was skeptical if this was true or not, but after I read this part
We could find no evidence that Feinstein was responsible for that act, and the director of Recreation and Parks, Thomas Malloy, said it was done “quite by accident.”
I was like “oh okay so it 100% was Feinstein”
Snopes turned into the exact thing republicans wrongly accused it of being from the start. Anytime somebody tries to gotcha with snopes just keep the article where they said Biden didn’t fall going up the stairs of air force one or the one that claims Biden didn’t say he doesn’t have any empathy for young people.
The debunking is literally “dont believe your lying eyes and ears”
At one point there was a snopes article about this and their sources were just that they asked her staff and they said no.
Well if her staff disagree, I have no reason to suspect ulterior motives!
I do really enjoy it but it also makes me imagine chugging a jug of tears and disgusts me a bit
If you’re a politician in office today and have black and white pictures of yourself as an adult, you shouldn’t be in office.
Some other fun facts about her
When asked about her relationship with Beijing, Feinstein said, “I sometimes say that in my last life maybe I was Chinese.”
In September 2016—in advance of UN Security Council resolution 2334 condemning Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories—Feinstein signed an AIPAC-sponsored letter urging Obama to veto “one-sided” resolutions against Israel
At an April 2017 town hall meeting in San Francisco, Feinstein was booed when she stated that she did not support a proposal for single-payer health insurance. Feinstein said, “[i]f single-payer health care is going to mean the complete takeover by the government of all health care, I am not there.”
Following her 2012 vote to extend the Patriot Act and the FISA provisions, and after the 2013 mass surveillance disclosures involving the National Security Agency (NSA), Feinstein promoted and supported measures to continue the information collection programs. Feinstein and Saxby Chambliss also defended the NSA’s request to Verizon for all the metadata about phone calls made within the U.S. and from the U.S. to other countries.
At an August 29, 2017 event in San Francisco, Feinstein expressed hope that Trump could become a good president. “The question is whether he can learn and change”, she said. “If so, I believe he can be a good president”.
Look, my grandmother didn’t have a single racist bone in her body, but all of these things sound like stuff she said after she began to decline due to dementi- ahhhh… fuuuuu…
My grandma just started openly calling trump a dickhead, which was extremely funny
This reminds me of my spouse’s grandma who kept talking about doing a on right wing politicians as she figured, “fuck it, I’m old and a widow.”
she is survived by one of her children, the golden Gate bridge