I wonder how many of their supporters have already forgotten that welfare checks won’t be sent out either?
How many republican supporters are on welfare? I realise there’s a stereotype of white trailer trash, but what are the numbers like?
GOP voters are richer on average than DNC voters, who are richer on average than non-voters. I believe the breakdown of annual income was something like non-voters $35k, DNC voters $60k, GOP voters $80k. The vast majority of “trailer trash” don’t vote and are just a punching bag for rich liberals so they don’t have to confront their rich small business owner class-allies who actually make up the core of the GOP.
It’s funny that people’s stereotype of the GOP is either of dirt poor trailer trash reactionaries, or uber-rich Koch billionaires when the reality is that DNC is the party of billionaires and haute bourgies and the ultra-poor have no party. GOP is the party of the petty bourgies, the landlords, small business owners, home owners and labor aristocrats - the “middle class”. GOP so controls the conversations that Americans all believe “small business owner” and “home owner” are benevolent sacred things, but in fact it is the source of much evil. Democrats are afraid to attack the middle class and the GOP for being petty fascist crooks and mini-tyrannical monsters they are because their own party contains the haute imperialist crooks and the mega-tyrannical monsters.
Yes, red states also have massive black populations and poor populations and have very low voter turnout. The poor people with entitlements and low tax output aren’t the ones voting for the GOP en masse, they’re just checked out and the ruling middle-upper class reigns unopposed. This is what happens when you abandon major sections of the population, they check out when they keep getting betrayed. The poor are struggling and uneducated, they do not buy into the institutions or feel compelled to do their rituals.
welfare checks barely exist anymore, thanks to both democrats and republicans in the 90s and their “welfare reform”. Are you talking about disability, unemployment, pensions, social security, EBT or medicaid/medicare? Many of these are not even “welfare” but essentially insurance payouts on things that those people paid the premiums/contributions for and are entitled to.
It’s a good thing Democrat leaders like Joe and Pelosi have made sure to voice their support for the existence of a “strong Republican Party.” It is definitely good to keep them around to do helpful things like this rather than try to stamp them out.
They are shutting down the government to stop money to Ukraine, so in this one particular example it just happens to be kind of good they can do this. Most of the time it isn’t.
Down side is, it will also stop money going to lots of other things, services for marginalized people are going to be reduced.
Yeah such is American politics. Nothing can be by itself, and nothing can be simple. It all has to be riddled with contradictions, with shit injected into the middle of something good to confuse the masses and keep everyone divided. Anything good will be co-opted and used by the system to whitewash something bad, muddying everything into a permanent morass. Rainbow imperialism is a great example on the other end of the spectrum, something the Democrats cynically use. Republicans do a weird faux-populist faux-isolationism, but their critiques are always that we should invade some other place (like Mexico or China or Iran) which is incoherent and not truly anti-imperialist.
You know the Democrats could have stopped the government from shutting down forever by getting rid of the dumb accounting rules and passing something like the Stop STUPIDITY act in 2019, or similiar bills during Obama’s terms. But For some reason they just didn’t want to, almost like they don’t really care that funding keeps getting disrupted, or that abortion is getting banned or any of the things we all see the the government doing.