Use it indiscriminately.
People say it’s over-referenced but we wouldn’t have to refer to it so many times if liberals and reactionaries didn’t keep making those same arguments every the time.
The single most important cartoon/meme
Yes, it is most important…to imperialist graphic designers who obscure our relations to production to pretend they’re in the same category as their African child slaves.
According to Lenin, companies in the developed world exploit workers in the developing world where wages are much lower. The increased profits enable these companies to pay higher wages to their employees “at home” (that is, in the developed world), thus creating a working class satisfied with their standard of living and not inclined to proletarian revolution. It is a form of exporting poverty, creating an “exclave” of lower social class. Lenin contended that imperialism had prevented increasing class polarization in the developed world and argued that a workers’ revolution could only begin in one of the developing countries, such as Imperial Russia.[citation needed]
I’ve been sharing this one a lot lately:
I was thinking about this comic recently. In an individual sense we all agree it’s absurd to just think someone can exist today without engaging in capitalism. Capitalism rules the world right now. But I was wondering if you could apply it to a larger scale against the leftwing people that say China or Cuba or Vietnam aren’t really socialist. Sure, they’ve accepted market reforms, surely you know what the US would do if they didn’t, how far they could get with even more sanctions and lack of trade with every other country. Yeah, they engage with the system that controls everything, you are very smart, but the alternative is economic (if not also regular) annihilation.